DIY Photobooth Style Invitation

Matrimony Monday: Invitation

So usually when introducing wedding ideas if you were going to do the invitation you would have already posted the "Save the Date"... but I'm just not your usual gal and I really love our wedding invitation :)

I must admit that the idea didn't just come to me in a dream... while I wish it had.  I found it as I have found most of my ideas... on pinterest :)

This pin was my inspiration:


I just loved how casual and unique it was.  They looked like they had so much fun making it.. and because I am a cat lady, I loved the cat at the very end.

So Russ and I went to work on our own version.  We had an awesome photographer (my mom), some poster board and markers that cost us all of 10.00 and my very very minimal skills on Microsoft Publisher.  It was so much fun to create!  Here is our result:

 While adding our own personality, some "planking" and keeping the design pretty simple I'd say we were pretty successful.  We got so many compliments and it was so easy! Despite what all those fancy magazines and wedding shows say... your wedding DOES NOT have to cost a fortune, friends. 

To add a little extra we included an "R.S.V.P." card and kept it with our "photo booth" theme...

(they printed two per page.. and I'm not quite sure how to just upload one.. so I apologize for the duplicate)

We laughed, we cried... we had an invitation unlike anyone else and that is what I love the most.  Take the time to be creative and make things personal.  You will remember those things so much more and they will be remembered by others.  Happy Matrimony Monday, friends.  I hope your day was beautiful and you are inspired and feel encouraged to be unique in all that you do. 

L.O.V.E. what you do.

Tie the Knot

Matrimony Monday: Literally Tie the Knot

So by now you have probably learned that I like to do anything that is a little bit unique.  I'm not about being over the top, but I also don't like doing things just like everyone else.  So when we thought about what to do during the ceremony to show we were "united" like lighting a candle together or having a sand ceremony (all beautiful ideas), we wanted to be a little bit different.  And my dear husband actually came up with this idea!  I was so proud.

We quite literally "tied the knot".  If you know Russ, you know that he loves ropes and knots and jumping off of dangerously high heights (preferably with a harness and rope...although sometimes not).  So we thought what better way to symbolize our marriage than to tie a figure 8 knot! :) So I went do Home Depot and bought two different colors of rope and we cut small pieces to use during the ceremony.  Tim, who married us, took them out just before he announced us as husband and wife.  So we "tied the knot", prayed and then kissed and lived happily every after :)

Although you can't see it very well in the pictures, I hope you sort of get the idea of what we did.

I loved this.  I loved that it was just so us.  I was pretty nervous I would completely forget how to tie the knot, but somehow God reminded me and it worked out perfectly.  I have yet to put our "knot" in a keepsake box but it is on my extensive "I should do that someday" list :)  It was a beautiful way to symbolize our new adventure together, as one. as us. 


be unique. L.O.V.E. what you do, friends.

Dog Backwards

Last week I was running with our puppy (minion) and yes, I said running, it was real. While running I've been trying to teach her that I'm the leader and that she should never pull or run in front of me.  So... about every 20 seconds... actually, make that 5 seconds, I have to pull her back and say "no, heal"... "good girl"... repeat.. a million times.  

She is slowly getting the hang of it... but it's definitely been a test of my patience... which, if you ask my husband, he will quickly tell you that I have about as much as a 5 year old.

While we were running and I was trying to teach her new ways of thinking... I realized such a beautiful connection between raising a puppy and my own walk with God.  Now, that's not to say that I am comparing myself to a dog or my intelligence to that of a dog.. I'd like to think I'm much smarter :) But there are just so many beautiful similarities.  So here is a list of a few I've thought of:

1. Her path and idea of where she wants to go... is not mine. She will pull and pull until I finally say "no" and give her a good yank in the other direction, which is usually quite startling and disappointing to her.  I find that I am that way with God... well.. almost every day.  I want to go my own way, I want to think that I have it all figured out.  "I know the way God, it doesn't look scary, I've got this."  It isn't until he says' "no" and I become distraught and disappointed with my path that I realize I should have just followed Him in the first place.

2. Her ways are not my ways.  I try so hard to communicate with her.  Sometimes she looks at me and you can just tell she so badly wants to understand what I'm saying, but just can't.  She wants to play when I just want to sit and cuddle, she wants to lead when I am the leader.  We are opposite. And trying so hard to understand each other. God's ways are not my ways. I am trying so hard to make them my ways but I fail.. daily... multiple times a day.

3. She is better than me. Andrea, did you seriously just say a dog is better than you? yes, I did.  Gosh, she gets SO excited when I come home. She wants to follow me around the house, sleep where I'm sleeping, lay at my feet.  When I feed her, if I am not standing next to her she will give up that delicious food just to come and be where I am.  I want just one ounce of that joy and loyalty towards my God. I so often want to run from Him, I would rather eat my own food and drink my own water than what He has to offer me. She is so loyal and joyful, and so is the Lord. I want that loyalty and joy. 

4. One day I came home and I could hear her all the way from work ( I work up the hill from my house) just barking and barking.  I thought, some animal has to be bothering her or maybe there is someone in my house? (I'm paranoid).  Russ had gone to work and all the lights were out so I slowly opened my door and turned on the lights.. no one. went outside.. nothing.  Minion had stopped barking, but as I started to call her name I could hear her but it was muffled... she wasn't in her dog house...she wasn't on the porch.  Where the heck was she?! And then I felt scratching underneath my feet.  She was UNDER the porch! *minor freak out... mydogisundertheporchwhattheheck?!* We have lattice going almost all the way around and I had a flashlight with me shining it under to see if she was stuck or just didn't know the way out.  She was fine... just barking away at the lattice. Clearly she thought that the way she got in (through a small break in the lattice) was the only way out. I wandered around to the other side of the porch where there is a HUGE opening... I mean... huge.  I called and called her, but she just kept barking at the lattice. I started flashing my light around and calling her name again, she finally noticed me and ran out frantically jumping at me as if to tell me how horrible it was.

The way out was so obvious. She wasn't stuck, she just thought the only way out was the way she came in.  I so often get stuck in life and think, "I should go back to the way it used to be, when I was doing all these good things to please God, I should go back." It has taken me so many years to get rid of that lie. I need nothing to please God but Jesus. If I seek Him I will find the way out, I will be better than I was. God didn't give us a way to go back in time for a reason, we need to always move forward and to forgive and forget our baggage in the past. And I so often have such a blindness to God's way, but looking back, the way out was so obvious. He was right there, shining His light, calling my name and it took me so long to hear Him.

5. We must always be teachable. She is always learning new things, picking up things, daily getting better at understanding us. She is so teachable.  I love that about her.  I am so stubborn.  Change is so scary.  But I just think about what amazing things I could learn and do if I were more like her. I need to always be open to God's teachings and have an open heart.

6. She loves everyone. I am so judgmental. So scared of people. So NOT Jesus. She doesn't care. She loves them and they instantly love her back. Probably more than anything, I want to be that way. I want to love without judgment the way that God loves me.  I do not deserve His love and yet I judge others.  I want to love like her.   

I love our puppy.  And even more so, I love my God. He is so good.  Child you're forgiven and loved... probably my favorite sentence.