Update + You're Enough

Dear Ones, 

Gosh... it's been so long since I've made myself sit down and write.  Honestly, I've been avoiding it like the plague. Not that I really have anything dramatic or terrible to tell you... I just felt lost in what I wanted to say.  

I went to Australia for 8 weeks. It was beautiful. I can't really put into words how much I loved it. We adventured.. we saw family and friends (except for you, dear Gracie... next time, I'm determined!).  There will never be enough time.  We will always have things we want to do but can't... but it was incredible and we got to do so much.  

We came home to winter and excited dogs and a familiar bed and beautiful friends.  It was so good to be home.

Since being home I've sat and stared at all my crafty things... all my vintage treasures I've been storing up... I've cleaned them and rearranged them (my biggest form of procrastination) and told myself that once it's all perfectly organized... then... then I will start to make things.  

It's all perfectly organized. It has been for weeks.

I scroll through Facebook and Instagram and Pinterest looking at all these articles that say "Make 7928370384 billion dollars just from working at home!", "Create the perfect website so all your customers will buy your things!", "Use social media correctly and earn 6903495x more dollars!", "Take my free webinar and all tell you all my secrets except for the one that will make you money... you'll have to pay for that!".  I scroll... and I scroll... and I scroll... and I read all these messages that tell me it's easy.  I don't have the secrets. I need more money. I'm trying too hard. My brain isn't working properly. I should give up if I don't know the secrets.

I know these articles and webinars and all these things are meant to be helpful.  I've actually found great tips from some of them.  If you're looking to do something you've never done, education is key.  But currently... they've overwhelmed me. I don't know if any of you out there can relate but I just got lost in it.  I got lost thinking that what I'm doing isn't like everyone else...and that's not really okay to be different. What I make isn't cool enough. The things I know and the things I've taught myself just aren't enough. 

And then today.. I don't know what it was.. maybe it was seeing about 60 more articles telling me to earn $100,000 from home in my newsfeed (please for the LOVE Andrea get off Facebook... I know, I know) but I opened up my computer and started writing this because I thought that there has to be a dreamer out there who feels lost with me. 

We are creative beings. There are so many things we should do. So many algorithms and steps to follow and ways our pictures should look and a new social media we should have and products we should be selling and and and and and... it really never stops. The list of shoulds will always be there.  

But my dear dreamer, I don't want to be a "should" with everyone else.  I want to be creative, I want to dream. I want to do things my own way. Articles and social media will forever tell us to fit in. To follow the steps. To get more money. To be the best and beat everyone else. 

I lost myself in the shoulds. I started this little lovely adventure because I LOVE creating. It makes me so happy. And even more than that... I love having a platform to tell you that you are so ridiculously loved. You're beautiful and brave and the world needs a you so badly.  

So I thought of this quote I’d seen before many times,


It’s so true. Don't let it steal your joy or your dream. 

We are enough. Don't give up on your dreams... whatever they are.  Maybe they aren't selling something or creating ... maybe it's just to wake up earlier, to be tidier... to eat more chocolate. Whatever your dreams are... read the articles, read all the things, do whatever it takes to educate yourself to achieve your dream.  But, don't let them get you lost. Don't let them tell you that you aren't enough.  Just begin. If you have passion and heart then you have enough to begin.  

And let me also say that I've begun a lot of things with passion and heart and failed.  I gave up (waking up earlier), I got lazy (waking up earlier), it wasn't for me (waking up earlier) or it just made me unhappy and I didn't HAVE to do it (waking up earlier). But if it's a dream or goal that gives you life and joy but you're stuck because you feel like you aren't doing it the way everyone says you should be.. keep going. I think that joy, genuine intention and passion are recognized and rewarded more than doing all the right things. 

Plus, I'll always be cheering for you. 

If you feel stuck or lost or need to be reminded that you're loved... please oh please email me, comment, message me or send a carrier pigeon. I'd love to remind you that you're enough, pray for you and cheer for you. 

I love you, dear sweet souls. I missed writing to you. 


The Lovely Adventurer

Do Scary Things

Yesterday I posted this picture on Instagram .  This quote is in The Lovely Adventure mission statement and it's been something I've carried around with me for years. 

I went to college thinking I would get a degree, earn the big bucks and change the world.  Turns out, college revealed everything I wasn't good at (math, test taking, memorizing, reading large amounts and comprehension).  I thoroughly hated the academia of college. I wouldn't trade my friends and social experiences for the world, so in the end I'm glad I went. But also in the end, I had no idea who I was or what the heck I was going to do with my life.  Gifts? Did I have those? According to my college GPA and test scores, no.  No, I did not.  So, after college I wandered.  I worked at camp, which I loved.  My husband (boyfriend at the time) had moved to the United States for a job and that fall I followed.  We worked for the same YMCA resort, he did challenge adventures and I did outdoor education.  It wasn't my favorite job in the world, but, I did discover that I was good at being creative, hard working and people generally liked me as a human (always good to know).  

I got engaged that fall on a trip to Australia and that winter of 2010 in the off season I started this little crafty adventure of mine.  I discovered this love for handmade, re-purposing and teaching myself new skills.  

I went on to work full time at Heartland Camp after we were married in the fall of 2011 (I could write a whole novel on how much I love that place... I'll save that for another day).  That job gave me the freedom to discover that I loved design.  I loved graphic design, web design and event design.  I was pretty good at leadership (always room to grow) and I just hardcore love being part of a community and learning people's stories. I don't think I would have ever learned those things about myself had God not opened doors for me and had I not mustered up the courage to walk through. I'm all teary just thinking about it. How much I love how God has called me out of my box and said, "Andrea, you were made for so much more than this." 

Some days I struggle to believe it. Most days. Most days I want to curl up under a blanket and stop pushing my boundaries. Get a "real" job, stop trying to learn new things and just be safe.  But the truth is, it makes me feel alive. My soul craves creativity and design and learning new things. Starting this business has been the hardest and best thing I've ever done. And as soon as I want to throw in the towel, stop "wasting" our money and give up, God gives me a new idea. Or sends me someone who inspires me.  I have yet to hit a dead end.  And for me, always the pessimist, who is usually searching for the dead ends or an excuse to stop, that's pretty remarkable. 

Living the life you were created for doesn't really have an end or a golden answer. Living. It's a verb, it's continuous while we are blessed with life. Don't let your doubts or who the world says you should be create your box.  Turn that dang box into a spaceship and send it to the moon, you won't need it. Life is full of freedom without it. It's full of struggle and doubts and tears, too. But, when you aren't trying to fit in a box that you weren't created for in the first place, it's full of discovering who a boxless God created you to be. 

It's also worth noting who God didn't create you to be.  I thought I was meant to be a top of my class PHD psychologist.  Because that was successful (and really, it is...just not for me).  Coming to terms with the fact that my brain doesn't comprehend math, it can really only learn kinestetically and that my introverted tendencies are sometimes my best has changed my life. When you stop trying to fit into that box, you find you didn't really like it in there anyway.  

So here's to living the lives we were created for.  To giving up our boxes and pushing our boundaries. Here's to doing scary things (even if they are small) and figuring out how to be the best you.  You have something special to share with the world. There is only one of you and someone needs what you have.  Find it and don't stop sharing your story. 


The Lovely Adventurer

P.s. You're the best